Your Inner Gut Lov'n Groupies Need Some Lov'n

So you’ve probably heard now that the bacteria inside (inner groupies) and on us makes up 90% of our cells, making us more bacteria than human. Kind of scary, but fascinating! Which is why it is so important to keep these ‘inner groupies’ happy. If we look after them, support and nurture them, treat them all like our biggest fans, we have a happy Woodstock like party going on. However, if we ignore them, starve them and treat them with contempt, the party going on will be more like an Anthrax thrash party.

Collective research coming to light is that the health of our microbiota (gut flora) is integral to the overall health of an individual. We’ve all heard of leaky gut by now but what does it really mean?

In a healthy host the intestinal wall stops pathogens and toxic substances from getting through to the bloodstream causing immune reactivity. Cells maintain their integrity allowing the correct nutrients to be absorbed in the right quantities.

In an unhealthy host the tight junctions in your intestinal wall can loosen up from inflammatory particles and become permeable, allowing nasties to get through. If there is cell damage, nutrients may not be absorbed properly leading to malnourishment even if one’s diet is good.

Once there is a leaky gut, opportunistic bugs can really start tipping the party over to the dark side. If these guys set up shop they create biofilm, which is actually like creating a cave to protect them from dislodgement and then they become highly resistant to antibiotics. This biofilm needs to be broken down to release these pathogens to eradicate them once and for all.

A leaky, permeable gut contributes to the stress load on your body possibly leading to a range of disorders and disease. We always want to regain and maintain homeostasis or balance and reduce any stress as much as possible for good health.

So if you want a Woodstock like party in your gut, love your inner groupies by:

  • Eating whole, real foods as much as possible

  • Eating enough fiber and resistant starch – the little guys feed off them

  • Re-inoculating with probiotics, cycle different species through

  • Eating fermented foods

  • Drinking bone broths

  • Sleeping, resting and repairing.

Or to avoid an Anthrax thrash party;

  • Avoid processed foods

  • Avoid sugar

  • Reduce stress (external and internal)

  • Remove inflammatory foods

  • Limit antibiotic use unless truly needed

  • Limit alcohol

  • Look at alternatives to the contraceptive pill

  • Take a chill pill and reduce chronic cardio and over exercising.

Curious about what party is happening for you? Curious about how to make a peace party in your gut? For a free consult call Functional Nutritionist on 0423915266.


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